Highlighting the needy with Anthony Bernard.

Jerusalem, a holy city for Judaism, Christianity and Muslims, would make an ideal centre for the United Nations.

My imagination extended to arranging a swap, with the United States letting Israel have Long Island, with its large Jewish population, in exchange for giving up the United Nations in New York. However this is ridiculous in our present chaotic world!

Kerala was featured in a BBC news report by Rajini Vaidyanathan about the Indian elections. She showed a Hindu temple only a few blocks from a Moslem mosque with a Christian church further down the street, all three ornate and illuminated. The locals interviewed told her that people were keen to promote everyone working together. This is what Jerusalem was, before extremism took over.

Kerala is a state in the southern tip of India. A company owner there was producing very high technology optical equipment. He could have earned a fortune in the United States, but told me his job was to stay in Kerala, providing jobs for local people. The capable people in less developed societies need to think like that, not using wealth to escape.

There is a popular English hymn that a new Jerusalem would be "built in our green and pleasant land". We like to think our freedom and democracy are models for others. Is this why so many migrants are desperate to cross the channel to Britain, having bypassed other European countries? Should we accept this as a compliment to our lifestyle, despite our difficulties? There is a saying to "vote with one's feet", which is exactly what they are doing!

Everyone living and working in harmony is ideal, in Kerala, in Jerusalem and worldwide. Christians might imagine the Holy Spirit guiding a committee of angels; Muslims may think of prophets with Gabriel as God's messenger; Hindus, Buddhists and others would feature lesser gods in their Heavenly Host, but all religions under the one Almighty Creator God or Allah.

Believers joke about "the Pearly Gates". Will we line up according to previous religions with scuffles breaking out, or be overwhelmed by the love and wellbeing flowing from the Creator?

Pentecost, or Whitsun, when Christians celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit, was last Sunday, 12th June. The variable Whitsun holiday has become the fixed May Bank holiday. World Socialism day is 1st May, but we prefer a week-end for our Early May Bank holiday!

Many readers will understand my search for explanations, though worrying that NHS mental health has not caught up with me. We all want to imagine something better, some with deep beliefs and many without. We live on the solidified surface of a lump of molten rock, buzzing around the sun, in an infinite universe, which scientists now think is 95% dark matter and black holes! Meanwhile, global warming is returning our climate to the Jurassic age!

What can "we, the people" actually do about any of it? Casting votes in elections can seem as ineffective as joining activists. These mostly produce doubtful results, except for the personal pride of participants in having tried!

The boring answer comes back to treating everyone around us as positively and cheerfully as we can, without regard to race, colour, religion, refugee status or gender, and absolutely without selfishness. Many have figured that out for themselves, all mainstream faiths are teaching exactly that, especially Christians at Pentecost!