Exmouth's Stroke Survivors Club is looking for businesses around town, that would be able to give work experience to members.

This is a UK government scheme that provides practical advice and support for people and their employers.

This can help ease the transition back into work with funding of adapted equipment, support workers, transport to work or coaches to work one-on-one on things like building memory strategies or support workers input

The club is looking for businesses that can give some of its members work experience opportunities for a day or two. More information Exmouth Stroke Survivors Club

Founder Stephen Beer says that when the stroke survivor is thinking about going back to, finding or starting work You may have views about the timing of return to work.

"Stroke survivors often found their partner was their strongest ally and supporter in terms of going back to work but it can be hard to get the balance right.

"Timing is important. It not helpful to rush back to work too quickly following a stroke despite potential financial or career pressures.

"It is important to only return when you feel well enough and have a plan in place with your employer on your return."