Volunteers from Exmouth Repair Cafe fix a Hoover floor polisher from the 1950s. 

The item was bought into the cafe in March after it was bought by the present owner's mother who was a farmer's wife in the Kingsbridge area and took in lodgers to increase their income. The item was still used up seventy years later by her daughter.

The family bought in the Hoover floor polisher from the early 1950's and asked the team to repair the perished cable.

Jean Holden, one volunteer told the Journal: "In order to save time she bought this floor polisher a dishwasher and a washing machine to help with the extra work involved. 

"It first came in to Exmouth Repair Cafe in March when we began to work on it. Members re-wired it to make it safe and unclogged the vents, removed debris and the final job of sticking on the furniture guard was carried out on Saturday (June 1)."