A charity that installs potentially life-saving defibrillators around the south west - including one in Exmouth - has received a £1,500 donation from local homebuilder Barratt David Wilson Homes.

Jay's Aim was set up by the family of Jay Osbourne, who died of an undiagnosed heart condition, aged just 28, in June 2017.

As well as providing publicly accessible defibrillators, the charity offers CPR and defib training to schools and community organisations.

Last year it was involved in the installation of a defibrillator at the St John the Evangelist Church Hall in Withycombe Village, which had been funded by the Exeter Legacy Fund. Jay's Aim provided community training after the installation. 

Dan Osborne from Jay’s Aim, said: "We are immensely grateful to Barratt David Wilson Homes Exeter for this generous donation and to everyone who supports our mission.

"Our goal is to ensure that anyone can access our training and that defibs are available where they are needed most. We were proud to announce our 200th defib installation in April and a total of nearly 20,000 people trained in life-saving skills."