Exmouth’s Dolphin Pre-School and Nursery has received a glowing report from Ofsted, which gave it  an overall 'Good' rating.

The inspection report described it as a ‘friendly’ nursery where children are happy and enjoy the daily routines, while building on their knowledge and skills across all seven areas of the early years foundation stage.

The report highlighted the way children are encouraged to take an interest in the natural world: “They develop their mathematical skills as they learn to make patterns using natural materials such as pine cones. They carefully help to count different amounts and begin to recognise numbers. Children demonstrate great curiosity about the world around them ….. Children are eager to join in activities and excited about their learning.”

It noted that a love of books and reading is promoted well: “Children delight as staff read expressively to them and eagerly join in with repeated words and phrases. Staff are enthusiastic in their roles and encourage children to use their knowledge of stories in their creative play. For instance, children excitedly retell stories in the messy-play area using play dough and sensory trays.  Staff develop children's vocabulary well. They sing songs linked to children's learning and skilfully talk to children as they play.”

The report also said: “Leaders are passionate about their role in promoting good outcomes for children. They reflect regularly on the effectiveness of their provision and make adjustments where necessary. They ensure that staff provide high-quality care and give children a broad range of experiences. They enhance their provision by arranging for specialists to come into the nursery to deliver activities such as monthly children's yoga sessions to support children's physical development.”

Paul Bartlett, director of the Dolphin Pre-School and Nursery, said he and his team are ‘delighted’ with the report, and added that the inspector had added a verbal comment to the written summary: “She said, ‘The excitement and enthusiasm your team share about the activities with the children really radiates through to the children and this shows in the happy, settled and engaged children you have here at Dolphin.’

“This is one of our main aims, so we are delighted it was recognised and that we also retained our 'Good' Grade.

“A huge thank you to our wonderful team, the lovely children in our care and to the parents who choose us; it means the world to have your support, and together we achieve great things.”