Our election happened on 4th July, American Independence Day. We dumped a large right-wing majority for a left-wing landslide without anybody being hurt or killed in rioting!

Elections around the world are not so benign. In the USA there has already been an assassination attempt.

Our winning Labour party had 34 per cent of the vote, the Tory centre-right party and Reform far right party, added together, had 35 per cent of the vote, but it was split allowing a Labour landslide. About 35 per cent of the electorate didn't vote, indicating general disaffection!

World news may think we are suddenly more socialist than we were. British news has confused people before, most famously in the 1930s when Hitler learnt that the Oxford Debating Society passed a motion that 'this house would not take up arms to defend King and Country'. However, winning was decided by who debated best, not the subject of the debate! Cambridge Union Society passed an emergency resolution that 'This house would not take up arms to defend King and Harper', a local garage, which has its own interesting history!

We take our democracy for granted. The losing Prime Minister makes a speech and hands in his resignation to the King, who then appoints a new Prime Minister who sets out his plans. Should the new Prime Minister fail to get approval from Parliament, he goes back to the King, though the sovereign usually appoints the head of the largest elected party, making this unnecessary. America claims to be the bastion of democracy. They only had a few people killed in the riot when Donald Trump was defeated; now they have shootings!

So maybe there are lots of things wrong in Britain, but we also have many things for which we can be thankful. Our political mechanism, which keeps things on track or gets things back on track, is key. We are living in a time of major changes, and many of our problems have causes in events beyond our political control, to which the government must now react. The cost of energy and other supplies is driven by the Ukraine war and exacerbated by terrorists forcing ships to avoid the Red Sea.

The NHS is in trouble. It is obvious to blame the government, but there have been huge advances in very expensive medical techniques, plus the disruption caused by Covid which is still leaving many of us occasionally feeling less than 100 per cent well. Problems with Care in the Community have added to the difficulties for hospitals, preventing patients being discharged when ready to leave. This is a political problem caused by the gap in responsibility between central and local government, which we hope can soon be resolved.

In China, this is the year of the Dragon, normally depicted in traditional ceremonies by a long string of supporters carrying its great length around the streets. Maybe that gives us a metaphor for what is needed right now; lots of people running together, but with a fire-breathing head ready to overcome obstructions! We, the people, carry the long body of the dragon and must keep going as best we can! The head is there to challenge any obstacles that may impede progress in the chosen direction.

Chinese Communists would frown at individuals passing messages forward to request change, but that is where the Speaker in our Parliament cuts in to smooth the majority decision!