EXETER court reporter Edward Davenport writes for the Journal.

A woman from Exmouth has pleaded guilty to cultivating cannabis after police found 1.7 kilograms of the drug during a raid.

Melanie Standfast grew 20 plants which were mainly for her own use but may have sent some to other people by post, Exeter Crown Court was told.

Standfast, aged 45, of Midway, Exmouth, admitted production of cannabis. Her landlord Peter Jackson, aged 54, admitted permitting premises to be used for the cultivation of cannabis.

Judge James Adkin adjourned sentence until later in the month and ordered pre-sentence reports on both defendants, who were both released on bail.

Mr Warren Robinson, for Standfast, said she had submitted a basis of plea which said her main purpose was to grow cannabis for own use. She had grown 20 plants and stripped them of leaves and the flowering heads.

He said the 1.7 kilograms of material which were seized by police included the leaves, which contain almost no active ingredients.