Otterton Garden Club will be holding its Autumn Show on Saturday 9 September in Otterton Village Hall.

There will be classes for cut blooms, pot plants, floral decorations, cookery, fruit vegetables and photography. The show is open to the public from 2.00 to 4.30 pm and admission is only £1.00 (children free).

Otterton Garden Club’s origins date back to 1929 when it was formed as the “Otterton Chrysanthemum Fruit and Vegetable Society”. The sole purpose of the Society was to hold an annual show primarily of late flowering chrysanthemums together with additional sections for fruit and vegetables as well as other produce.

It was thought that the name “Otterton Horticultural Society” sounded too highbrow and was perhaps putting off potential members and so in 1992, the name was again changed, this time to “Otterton Garden Club”.

Entries in the Autumn Show started to decline to a point where after the 2005 show it was decided to abolish the Autumn Show and continue with just one show in the spring. However, a number of people were expressing an interest in reviving the Autumn Show and after a poll at one of the meetings it was decided to put together a schedule, but with slightly fewer classes for a show to be held in September 2008.

Refreshments will be available. Further details can be found on Otterton Garden Club website.