Budleigh Lions Club held its Bank Holiday Beach Fair yesterday (August 26).

It’s an annual event run by the Budleigh Salterton Lions Club. Lion Tony Bott is as the main organiser but lots of Lions took part.

Budleigh Lions would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who took part and supported this community event.

Richard Allen, from Budleigh Lions said: "Wonderful day at the Budleigh Salterton Lions Club on August Bank Holiday seafront Fayre. Thank you to all the Lions who organised this event and those Lions helped on the day to make it such a success.

"Great to see Plastic Free Budleigh at their first public event and getting lots of interest.

"Thanks to all the stall holders including the Budleigh Community Workshop Trust Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival Fairlynch Museum and Arts Centre and the fabulous team from RNLI Exmouth."

Thanks to Peter Bowler who sent these pictures of the event to the Journal.