The Parish Church of St John the Evangelist, Withycombe Raleigh, is celebrating the 160th anniversary with a festival.

Taking place from Friday September 27 to Sunday September 29 in the Church and Hall. A full schedule of activities has been planned over the three days, including exhibitions, demonstrations, musical and children’s events, services and refreshments.

Everyone in the community is welcome to this free celebratory event, which has something for all. The church will be open from 10am - 4pm on Friday and Saturday, 11am - 4pm on Sunday.

Withycombe Raleigh Parish was established in 1850. The original Church of St Michael and All Angels eventually became too small for the growing population and was demolished in 1865. To mark this link, a procession with hymns will take place on Sunday morning at 9.30am along Withycombe Village Road, from the original site near the Holly Tree Pub to the current Parish Church.

The land for St John the Evangelist Church was given about 1862 by John Wood of Withycombe, and the building was consecrated on November 3rd 1864.

The cost was £5,223 and Lady Rolle and John Wood were the main contributors. The church was built using stone from Berry Head and Beer and has a set of 12 bells.

Its interior has many interesting features, including a beautiful oak and coloured glass screen created by Dom Charles Norris of Buckfast Abbey, which will be open to view during the Festival.

There will be local history and church exhibitions, including items relating to the church on loan from Exmouth Museum. Withycombe Raleigh Primary School is providing a children’s art exhibition and there will be a children’s trail around the church. 

On Friday, Withycombe Raleigh Primary School choir sings in the church at 3.30pm with Celebration Cake and Juice served at 4pm This is followed by a Martial Arts display at 5.15pm in the hall. The Exmouth Shanty Men will perform at 7.30pm.

Saturday 28th starts at 10am with bell-ringing demonstrations. At 2pm, an organ recital is followed by choral anthems, 3pm a saxophone recital and 3.30pm Crikey Moses! ( a short family rock musical).

Visitors are welcome to dip in and out between events; refreshments with homemade cakes will be served in the church hall throughout Saturday.

On Saturday from 7pm Hymns and Pimms; Sunday 10am Sung Eucharist, 4pm Choral Festal Evensong) to which all the Parish is warmly welcomed.