The exhibitors at the recent Otterton Village Autumn Show managed to put on a good display despite the number of entries being down compared to recent years.

The low numbers were due to a combination of factors including holidays, other commitments and a difficult growing season. However, those who managed to find something to display enjoyed the experience and did the show proud.

Those people who braved the weather and came to view the display in the afternoon commented favourably on the show and many stayed to enjoy a cup of tea and a homemade cake.

The big winner on the day was David Waddington who walked away with five trophies including those for the best exhibits in the Cut Bloom, Fruit and Vegetable sections.

The full list of trophy winners is as follows: -

Hart Cup (Most points in show) David Waddington

Bennett Cup (Most Points in Cut Blooms Section) Angela Marshall

Jenner Cup (Best Exhibit in Cut Blooms Section) David Waddington

Plant Cup (Most Points in Pot Plant Section) Eric Paver

Alan Miller Cup (Best Exhibit in Pot Plant Section) Angela Marshall

Floral Decoration Cup (Most Points in Floral Decoration Classes) Sue Tibbott

Fruit Cup (Most Points in Fruit Classes) David Waddington

Pointer Cup (Best Exhibit in Fruit Classes) David Waddington

Vegetable Cup (Most Points in Vegetables Section) Ro Smith

Sid Paver Cup (Best Exhibit in Vegetables Section) David Waddington

Vegetable Challenge Cut (Best Collection of Vegetables) Barry Withecombe

Home Cookery Trophy Linda Reed

Oung Growers Trophy Malcolm Mclean