A bingo bonanza organised by travel agents has raised £1,650 for a hospice charity.

The team from Hays Travel in Exmouth hosted the event over the bank holiday weekend, attracting 130 attendees at Exmouth Railway Club.

The proceeds from the evening will go to Hospiscare, a charity that provides support to more than 2,000 adults across Devon each year.

Aimee Harding, from Hays Travel in Exmouth, said: "Hospiscare holds a strong place in our hearts here at Hays Travel in Exmouth, having helped family members and friends.

"We really wanted to raise money and thank them for the life-changing work they do throughout our community."

Hospiscare offers a range of support to adults living with life-limiting illnesses, including pain relief, social activities, practical advice, and specialist end-of-life care.

Toni Hiscocks, area fundraiser for Hospiscare, said: "The bingo bonanza organised by Aimee and the team at Hays Travel Exmouth was a huge success.

"Their enthusiasm and determination to support us shows what kind and generous people they are.

"The team worked so hard planning and organising the event, raising a phenomenal amount of money for Hospiscare.

"We are thrilled with the vital funds they have raised, enabling local families to receive the specialist end-of-life care they need during the most difficult time."

Hays Travel customer, Sue Metherell, who attended the event, said: "It was a lovely evening and a lot of fun, all to raise funds for Hospiscare.

"Well done to all the staff at Exmouth Hays Travel for their hard work making it such a special evening."

Each Hays Travel branch is given a £500 budget to use for fundraising and charity work in their area.

In the last year, Hays Travel's Local Community Partnership initiative across its retail network has donated more than £142,642 to charities.