A public meeting to discuss taking legal action against South West Water for repeated sewage incidents in the town takes place next week.

The meeting, named Exmouth Sewage Pollution: Meeting on Potential Legal Action is happening next Tuesday (September 17) from 7pm to 9pm at  Ocean.

Leigh Day, a legal representative has been invited to speak to the Exmouth community about potential legal action against South West Water. 

The meeting will discuss the impact of SWW's sewage pollution on residents, potential legal action that can be taken by the community, and how residents can join together to bring forward a claim. 

Nicky Nicholls from Sideshore said: "We would like to thank the community for inviting us to speak at a community meeting on Tuesday 17 September 2024, where we will be presenting what legal solutions may be available to the community to deal with South West Water’s ongoing pollution of Exmouth. "

RSVP to the event is needed, you can sign up via the website here.

South West Water said in response: “We are serious about tackling storm overflows and change of this scale takes time, ambition, and increased investment. We are investing around £38 million in the Exmouth area up to 2030 which includes upgrades to our pumping stations and treatment works to significantly reduce the number of spills and further protect the environment.”

"We care about our 860m of coastline, our regions 100% bathing water quality, which we have successfully maintained for 3 consecutive years and protecting the environment now and in the future.

"We will be the first water company to meet the Government target of less than 10 spills per overflow, per year – a decade ahead of target."