On Saturday 7 September, 66 intrepid Lympstone residents took part in the Parish’s Beating the Bounds, a village tradition that can be traced back to at least the nineteenth century.

It takes place every four years and follows the Parish Boundary on land and water, with the villagers uncovering the Parish’s boundary stones and giving them a good whack with a stick to show that they know where Lympstone’s boundary really is.

On dry land, the walk covers 9.8 miles from Parsonage Stile all the way up to the Frying Pans on Lympstone Common and hen back down through the new Goodmores Estate, down Summer Lane and through Lympstone Manor down to the estuary.

A spokesman for the event said: "Despite the rain after lunch on the home stretch, which completely failed to dampen spirits, it was a fantastic community day for all, both a physical challenge over all terrain and a most enjoyable social occasion, with opportunity to share stories and make new friends. The welcome at the final stop, The Swan in Lympstone, was warm, welcoming and dry."

he walk was led by Rob Harrison, Lympstone-born and bred, who has been leading the walk since 2004, with Andrew Minter as the vice-leader.

Rob and Andrew would like to thank all the volunteer marshalls, all who took part in the walk and all the landowners who supported this ancient village tradition by letting the walk to pass over their property.

The next Beating the Bounds for Lympstone will be in 2028.