Both Exmouth RNLI boats were launched into service on Wednesday, after reports of sea swimmers who were reported missing.

At around 11am on September 18, H.M. Coastguard requested the launch of both Exmouth RNLI lifeboats following a report of two overdue sea swimmers.

The Exmouth ILB, George Bearman II, and three volunteer crew launched at 11.42 and set off to the last reported location of the missing swimmers, along with the rescue jet-ski from the Exmouth RNLI Lifeguard team. They were followed shortly after by the Exmouth RNLI All-Weather Lifeboat R&J Welburn, with a further five volunteer crew onboard.

On route to the scene, one of the swimmers had self-recovered to the beach, but one swimmer was still missing. The ILB and RNLI jet-ski crews continued to search and shortly after the RNLI Lifeguard on their jet-ski located the lone swimmer approximately 0.5 miles off Orcombe Point. They were quickly pulled from the sea and transferred to the safety of the ILB, who swiftly returned them to Exmouth lifeboat station.

Steve Hockings-Thompson, Exmouth RNLI Coxwain said: Today’s very strong outgoing spring tide caught the swimmers unaware and quickly took them out to sea.

We are grateful that the group of swimmers were able to rapidly identify that a member of their group was in danger and call for help, but we advise all sea swimmers to pay close attention to the state of the tide, take appropriate safety equipment with them and only swim in familiar waters and/or conditions.’

"Luckily they were uninjured and able to meet with friends and make their own way home.