Withycombe Rugby Club marked its 100th anniversary with a celebratory flower display, partnered with Exmouth in Bloom.

The floral tribute acknowledges a century of rugby achievement and underlines the community spirit that characterises the club.

This vibrant tribute not only celebrates a century of rugby excellence but also highlights the enduring community spirit that defines the club.

Key to the club's success has been Dave Josey and Peter Farley, dedicated individuals whose shared service exceeds a century.

The flower display is a testament to the dedication and passion of the club membersThe flower display is a testament to the dedication and passion of the club members (Image: Exmouth in Bloom)

They played a vital role in moulding the club.

The club's future was represented by junior player, Lewis Gale.

His participation symbolizes the bright future of the club, bridging the legacy of the past with the potential of the next generation.

The partnership with Exmouth in Bloom beautifully signifies the alliance between sports and community.

The club invites eager members of the public to visit the floral arrangement, which can be admired by all at the railway station.

As the club reflects on its century of triumphs, it anticipates many more years of growth and success.