Madeira Bowling Club’s Janine Orchard has reached the quarter-finals of the English Indoor Bowling Association, National Ladies’ singles competition.

She is set to face off against Cheryl Walters from the Egham Club.

The anticipated match will take place during the National Finals weekend of September 13,14,15 at the Kempston Park Indoor Bowls Club near Bedford.

Contrary to its typical winter sport status, indoor bowls are also enjoyed throughout the summer by way of numerous dedicated competitions.

Janine Orchard, representing Madeira Bowling Club, has enjoyed quite a successful season this year.

The Madeira Bowling Club, meanwhile, also had other wins to commemorate in the weeks leading up to August 10.

On August 4, three Madeira triples travelled across East Devon to compete against Axminster BC on their outdoor artificial surface.

The Madeira Nine adapted remarkably well to the contrasting conditions, which was evident in their early 13-point lead, 30-17, halfway through the game.

Post-tea, Madeira continued their domination, sealing the match with a 65 to Axminster’s 36-shot score.

Skip and Vice Captain David Macaulay, with assistance from Debbie Fox and Chris Reed, managed to win their rink by a landmark 28 shots to 3.

They successfully restricted Axminster to win on only two of the eighteen rounds.

A few days later, a spirited match was at the centre of everyone’s attention on August 8.

The friendly rivalry between Madeira BC and Sidmouth BC unfolded at the Sidmouth green, amidst the melodious hum of the Sidmouth Folk Festival.

The game, filled with anticipation, saw both sides field five triples.

Sidmouth took an early lead but Madeira emerged victorious in the second half.

The team managed to overcome the two-point deficit, defeating their opponents by 15 shots.

Madeira’s top rink was led by Ray Parker, partnered by Carolyn Parker and Chris Trayler, who managed to keep their opponents at bay for the last seven ends.

Their opponents were unable to score beyond the nine shots they had achieved by the eleventh end, and Parker's team finished with a 10-shot win.

It’s been quite a victorious season for the Madeira Bowling Club - from Janine Orchard's remarkable success to the team's thrilling victories over local rivals.

It’s safe to say the club has left its mark on the local bowling scene.

The club is now wishing for another great result as Janine Orchard is to face Cheryl Walters next month.